Comparing 2 Security conferences: Bsides Ljubljana vs. Risk conference 2018

As you might already know, I put more focus into IT security in last couple of months. So besides looking for IT technology conferences and gatherings, I have also started to look around for conferences with emphasis on IT security. So I had opportunity to visit 2 of the in this month. First one was BSides Ljubljana, which is prepared by community enthusiasts, while second one Risk Conference 2018 is commercial conference prepared by Real Security. Despite obvious differences in budget, I cannot stop myself comparing them.

Continue reading “Comparing 2 Security conferences: Bsides Ljubljana vs. Risk conference 2018”

Hear me speak at Slovenian Windows User Group (SloWUG) on Wednesday 14th

Slovenian Windows User Group (SloWUG) is a community of Windows enthusiasts and users, where you can hear many great speakers present their work, their passion and achievements, not only about Windows itself, but about whole ecosystem (from Exchange, System center to Azure related services).

This time you are up to receive a lot of interesting information on:

Thanks to organizer Miha Pihler (MVP), we will be hosted at MS Slovenia and you can count on pizza, bear and a lot of geek talk opportunities after the official part.

The event is for free, but you confirmation on Facebook is appreciated.


…You can feed your curiosity this time at free SloWUG event….

Slovene one of the 34 languages on Bing TTS map

Few days ago it came to my attention, that Bing has expanded their Text To Speach API with additional languages. I was surprised and very delighted to find that my native language (Slovene) is now one of 34 supported languages.

Why a surprise?

Slovene is with about 2.5 million speakers between top 5% of languages on the world today and it is on 179th place on this list (as you can read here in Slovene). So despite the fact that there are many more languages that are spoken much more often around the globe, I am delighted that it has been recognized and worth of implementing by Bing Cognitive services.

Who do we have to thank?

This is actually a good question. I do not want to pretend, that I know answer to this question, but let me speculate here a bit.  Continue reading “Slovene one of the 34 languages on Bing TTS map”