Bsides Ljubljana 2019 edition

It has been one year since my first visit to Bsides (Community driven IT security conference) in Ljubljana. You can read about my impressions and opinion in this article. At that time I mentioned, that Bsides is a conference, where many good presentation can be expected and also this year I can only repeat my statement, but need to add, that 2019 edition was even better!

Bsides 2019
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How secure is secure enough?

I suppose, you have all seen my first YouTube published presentation, that I was holding in Athens. So you also know, that I was talking about security in IT. This presentation is also the one, that I had to repeat the most often till now. Most repetition have obviously been done for my employer and for our contracting partners. I do not want to repeat here, what I was talking about (because you can see this for yourself), but I want to tell you about 2 extremes that happened to me, when I approached some of our partners with security topic.

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E2EVC is what I was looking for!

Only few days ago, I published a blog post with tittle “Learn –> Help –> Share –> Repeat”, where I briefly mentioned  E2EVC (Experts 2 Experts Virtualization Conference) as one of the

I was at E2EVC

conferences, that are worth visiting. This was still before I have been to conference itself and I was just relying on experience of a friend and was actually just on a way to the conference itself. Now I am back and I am still trying to grasp it all, since I was literally “Blown away”. E2EVC is much more as I expected or could even hoped for. Most of other conferences, I have been till now, are only a pale imitation. Continue reading “E2EVC is what I was looking for!”

Comparing 2 Security conferences: Bsides Ljubljana vs. Risk conference 2018

As you might already know, I put more focus into IT security in last couple of months. So besides looking for IT technology conferences and gatherings, I have also started to look around for conferences with emphasis on IT security. So I had opportunity to visit 2 of the in this month. First one was BSides Ljubljana, which is prepared by community enthusiasts, while second one Risk Conference 2018 is commercial conference prepared by Real Security. Despite obvious differences in budget, I cannot stop myself comparing them.

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